lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

Natural Science: The Plants

Song: The needs of a plant :-)
  • Plants have basic needs, including food, air, water, light, and a place to grow.

***Here you can download and print the vocabulary template of the unit.
Summary of the vocabulary: The plants.

Flashcards about the plants needs

  • Let´s think about the live of the plant.
Parts of the plants
Parts of the plants II

  • Let's speak

-What do you eat from a plant? ***The fruit or the seed.
-The plant breathes with .... ***the leaf or flower.
-The plant gets food from... ***the roots or the stem.

More videos:
- Parts of the plant I
- Parts of the plant II

  • Let's play now!

  • Communicate yourself!

1. Do you know how the life cycle of the frog, the apple and a butterfly are?

2. Explain the life cycle of a plant.

Fuente imagenes: The Visual Dictionary

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